SUP 5.0 2020

For our 2019-2020 Season Race series, the SUP 5.0 fastest time counts as a race in both the long and the sprint series. For the long series, it can count as one of your flat water grouped races.

Throughout the season, each member has multiple opportunities to paddle the SUP 5.0 course on Sunday mornings. the fastest time recorded by each member is added to the SUP 5.0 board. At the end of the season, points will be awarded to each SPSC participating member, similar to all the other races, and to their point score. This bonus score is for both the SPSC Long Series and SPSC Shorter Series.

Members be sure to come on down to a SUP 5.0 soon and add your name to the list, or attempt to improve your time and climb the board so you can get this added to your season score!

As of March 1, 2020, the SUP 5.0 board standings are below. Due to change of course which caused a slightly shorter distance, the race commitee has run calculations on all course times previous to March 1 to equalise them down to a 5.08 distance. The fastest times of the full season are shown below: